
48 2018 BIF Research Symposium and Convention • Proceeding Papers 3. Achieve minimum average image quality scores of 0.70, 0.65, and 0.88 for RMP, RIB, and IMF, respectively. 4. For those animals with repeated measures of each trait, achieve correlations among those measures of 0.90, 0.80, 0.80, and 0.80 for RIB, REA, RMP, and IMF. 5. The standard deviations of differences between the repeated measures of RIB, REA, RMP, and IMF shall not exceed 0.06, 0.05, 1.10, and 0.75, respectively. 6. Achieve product-moment correlations for RMP, RIB, REA, and IMF between reference and candidate technician produced values greater than 0.90, 0.90, 0.85, and 0.85, respectively. 7. The standard deviation of the differences between reference and candidate predictions of RMP, RIB, REA, and IMF shall not exceed 0.05, 0.05, 1.00, and 0.70, respectively. 8. The Student’s t-test for the paired differences between reference and candidate generated values will not be highly significant (P < 0.01) for any of the measured traits. Standards for in absentia UGC certification of field technicians A field technician seeking in absentia certification of their proficiency in ultrasonic imaging of phenotypes that are indicative of carcass merit in beef cattle must successfully meet all of the following criteria. Failure to meet any of these 6 criteria will result in the field technician being required to demonstrate their proficiency in person. 1. Have successfully demonstrated their proficiency in person at least once, and have not failed a more recent in person evaluation of their proficiency. 2. Have image quality scores for a minimum of 3000 head scanned. 3. Have image quality scores for a minimum of 250 head scanned annually in the preceding two years. 4. For RIB images: Have no more than 0.6% of images submitted scored as “reject”; and at least 93.4% of all RIB images scored as “acceptable” over the preceding two years. 5. For IMF images: Have no more than 0.5% of images submitted scored as “reject”; and at least 94.5% of all IMF images scored as “acceptable” over the preceding two years. 6. For RUMP images: Have no more than 0.1% of images submitted scored as “reject”; and at least 98.9% of all RUMP images scored as “acceptable” over the preceding two years. Lab Certification Policies Beginning in 2003, Lab certifications included 40 images per technology (Examples: Aloka, Classic, etc.). Since each technology portrays the image differently (i.e. brightness, contrast, grayscale, etc.) and uses different scaling or magnification, lab technicians must be proficient on each ultrasound technology, and thus are tested accordingly. As you might imagine, several lab technicians are certified on multiple technologies. UGC administers lab certifications with all tracing images linked to carcass data, and with both tracing and image quality images set up to measure technician repeatability. UGC also can conduct lab certifications for technicians in other countries by using a paid independent third-party proctor. A 3-point scale (1=Acceptable, 2=Marginal, 3=Rejected) for Image Quality replaced the 7-point scale used in field and lab certifications in 2012. NOTES