
63 2018 BIF Research Symposium and Convention • Proceeding Papers NOTES Big Data John Genho, Livestock Genetic Services We live in the era of big data. Every click of a mouse or swipe on a smartphone creates data that is tied to you as the user. A glance through recent events (Mark Zuckerberg’s discussions on Capitol Hill and the serial killer case cracked with the use of 23 And Me to cite a couple) have shown that the ownership and use of that data is not always clear or as we expect it should be. This extends into the cattle industry. If there is no clear agreement, who owns a genotype sent to a breed association? What of commercial entities that are building large databases and doing analysis independent of breed associations? Breeders and associations should be aware now more than ever of who owns data collected on their animals, and how that data will be used. In addition, they should create clear policies spelling this out to avoid problems in the future.